Workshops for Private Sector Developers in Mozambique & Botswana
In November 2019, EEP Africa held workshops in Maputo and Gaborone to raise awareness about the fund among local clean energy sector players and provide information on financing opportunities.
Private Sector Day on 21 November in Maputo
EEP Africa and GET.invest held a joint event for private sector clean energy developers in Mozambique. EEP Africa presented on our current activities and discussed the upcoming call for proposals, which will be launched in early 2020. The EEP Africa National Focal Point for Mozambique, Mr. Issufo Juma from the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, spoke about the role that the fund plays in supporting national development priorities. About 80 participants took part in this one-day event, which was held in both English and Portuguese.
Financing Workshop on 26 November in Gaborone
EEP Africa organized a half-day event in collaboration with the Botswana Innovation Hub (BIH). Close to 50 participants learned more about EEP Africa and received practical guidance on how to prepare a successful funding application. The EEP Africa National Focal Point, Ms. Mukani Thapelo from the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security, spoke at the event. BIH, which is a state-owned company that manages Botswana’s first Science and Technology Park, also provided information on its support to start-ups and local companies to develop and grow competitive technology-driven and knowledge-based businesses.