Wim Jonker-Klunne joins EEP as the new Programme Director
Early December 2014 Mr. Wim Jonker-Klunne joined the EEP ECO team in Pretoria as the Programme Director.
Mr. Wim Jonker Klunne is a renowned expert with over 20 years of experience in the renewable energy sector in eastern and southern Africa. With an academic background in Civil Engineering and Management, Wim has in-depth technical knowledge combined with strong management skills.
Prior to joining EEP, Wim has worked on a wide range of energy implementation, research and capacity building projects in Africa on behalf of the African Development Bank, the World Bank group, ECN, CSIR, UNDP, GEF, EU, national governments, private sector and bilaterals.
Within the EEP ECO team Wim will focus strongly on knowledge management, which includes drawing lessons and best practices from the projects implemented as part of the EEP portfolio, building bridges between different projects within the portfolio, as well as partnering with other programmes and initiatives.
We strongly invite all stakeholders to engage with the ECO team in general and Wim in particular on these issues. Regular updates will provided through the EEP web site and newsletter.