Visual Marketing Support for Companies in Rwanda and Zambia
One of the challenges facing early-stage companies is how to increase their visibility and credibility in the crowded renewable energy market. Strengthening their marketing capability has a positive impact on their image as an investment ready company.
As part of our business development support, EEP Africa works with select portfolio companies to develop visual marketing products that will increase their visibility. These include infographic brochures about their business model, high quality photos for pitching decks, and professionally-edited videos about the project and company.
During February, the EEP Africa visual support team travelled to Zambia and Rwanda to photograph and film the operations of three companies: Vitalite, a solar home system company; Emerging Cooking Solutions, a clean cooking company that produces biomass pellets and highly-efficient cookstoves; and OffGridBox, a company with a unique solar system that provides clean energy and purified water. The full videos are currently under production.
A snippet of the OffGridBox footage was published on our social media channels on 22 March in honor of World Water Day. Below are some behind-the-scenes photos of the film crew in action.