Thank you all shown interest!
With the Call For Proposal Nine (CFP9), the EEP S&EA opened its forth application round during this year. CFP9, Innovation 2, was closed on the 23rd of September and attracted 122 concept note applications. The amount of grants applied for was more than 25 million euros.
Reduction of poverty through inclusive and job-creating green economy and improved energy access and security in the Southern and East Africa regions while mitigating global climate change is the overall aim of the Call. The immediate objective is to achieve greater access to sustainable energy services through the fast tracking of RE/EE project demonstration and deployment, including through technological learning and private sector investment.
We received a large number of quality applications. As the applied amount of grants exceeds the funds available, the applications that reflect best the objectives of the EEP get a larger likelihood of getting the grant. We are currently processing the concept notes and will contact each applicant individually.
We believe the EEP plays an essential role in the region in reaching these objectives – and each effort done towards these objectives comes from all the applicants. Many thanks to all the entities that have given their input and expressed their interest towards the EEP.