R20 implementing a solar bakery project in Gitega, Burundi
EEP S&EA is funding a Solar Bakery Project in Burundi, implemented by a NGO called Regions of Climate Action (R20) and their local partner CIRID (Centre Indépendant de Recherche et d’Initiative pour le Dialogue). The project was awarded with the EEP fund during the fifth call for proposals and it is estimated to be completed by August 2015. The Solar Bakery Project was the first EEP project in Burundi.
“In November last year, R20 and CIRID hosted an inauguration ceremony for their solar bakery project in Gitega. The ceremony marked the official installation of the solar ovens, and the start of an operational bakery.
The technology being used is called the “Villager Sun Oven”, manufactured by US-based company Sun Oven International. Each oven is capable of baking hundreds of loaves of bread each day. Environmentally speaking, the oven allows the users to save over 150 tons of firewood each year, which results in the reduction of around 277 tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually. In addition, by replacing the firewood with solar energy, the ovens will protect the bakers from inhaling harmful smoke” (regions20.org).
Read the whole article and more about the project here>> (link opens in a new window)