EEP supports Project Developers by producing a series of videos featuring some of the most interesting EEP funded projects. The videos provide a visualization of the achievements and work by these Project Developers. They can be used to increase the visibility of the project and thus support the Project Developer in marketing and raising interest from potential investors and wider public. All videos are shared through EEP social media channels and they have already reached substantial audiences.
The first EEP video presents a unique project where South African company Mean Sea Level is constructing a 1MW demonstration plant which utilizes wave power to generate electricity. The energy converter is being built in Hermanus, South Africa with support from EEP S&EA and it aims to generate 2,628 MWH/year. It will be Africa’s first commercially viable ocean wave energy converser.
EEP Project Developer Absolute Energy has constructed a 230kWp solar PV plant on Kitobo Island in Lake Victoria, Uganda. In addition to benefits the households gain from lighting, the improved access to electricity helps the local fishermen to produce ice for storing fish and creates other valuable income opportunities. See from the video how this project has changed the lives of the islanders!
The EEP Project of the Year 2017 Green Bio Energy is featured in the video which presents GBE employees manufacturing energy-efficient Briketi cookstoves and eco-briquettes in Kampala, Uganda. Enjoy the great vibes at GBE and learn about their important social and environmental impacts!
In this video you can visit Ugastove – the company behind the first modern cookstove factory in Uganda. With EEP funding Ugastove has optimized its processes in the factory and is expected to produce yearly 240,000 energy-efficient charcoal stoves, woodfire stoves and rocket metal stoves, employing 175 local workers.