About EEP Africa

The Energy and Environment Partnership Trust Fund (EEP Africa) is a clean energy financing facility hosted and managed by the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) with funding from Austria, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, NDF, Norway and Switzerland. It is guided by a vision for a climate-resilient, zero-carbon future with the aim of contributing to the achievement of the Paris Agreement on climate change and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


EEP Africa provides early-stage grant and catalytic financing to innovative clean energy projects, technologies and business models in 17 countries across Southern and Eastern Africa. Project financing is supplemented by technical support, investment facilitation and knowledge sharing.

Core Activities

EEP Africa provides funding through open, competitive calls for proposals, offering both grants and repayable grants on a co-financing basis to early-stage innovative projects that are in active development.

EEP Africa improves the investment readiness of projects and companies through targeted business support services and by facilitating linkages with the global investor community.

EEP Africa leverages the applied learning happening inside its diverse portfolio to develop a wide range of knowledge products, events and partnerships that advance best practices in the clean energy sector.

Where We Work













South Africa





Funding Partners

Host Institution

The Nordic Development Fund (NDF) is both Fund Manager and funding partner for EEP Africa, and led the relaunch of EEP Africa as a multi-donor trust fund in 2018. Headquartered in Helsinki, NDF provides flexible, catalytic financing for climate change mitigation and adaptation in lower income and countries in fragile situations with focus on Sub-Saharan Africa. NDF is the joint Nordic climate and development finance institution established by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Funding Partner

The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) is the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation. ADA has been supporting EEP Africa since 2010. ADA’s main goals are reducing poverty, ensuring peace and protecting the environment while putting particular emphasis on gender equality and climate protection. ADA’s focus themes, such as the water-energy-food security nexus and private sector development, are aligned with the objectives of EEP Africa.

Funding Partner

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Denmark has supported EEP Africa since 2022. Denmark’s strategy for development cooperation, ‘The World We Share’, aims at fighting and preventing poverty and inequality along with conflict, displacement and irregular migration while strengthening resilience towards climate change. The strategy also underlines that there is a need to speed up the green transition, a need to secure access to clean energy for the poorest people locally and to ensure less CO2 emission globally. Enhanced energy access in Africa align with all of these goals.

Funding Partner

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs administers Finland’s ODA budget and led EEP Africa from 2010-2017. Finland’s development policy supports eradication of poverty and inequality and the promotion of sustainable development with particular focus on strengthening the rights of the most vulnerable, promoting gender equality and improving climate change preparedness and mitigation. Enhancing energy access is a key component in reaching these goals.

Funding Partner

The Directorate for International Development Cooperation is a division of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland and has supported EEP Africa since 2022. The Strategy for International Development Cooperation focuses on the promotion of human rights and gender equality, peace and security, as well as the fight against poverty, social injustice, disparity in living conditions and hunger. Iceland´s International Development Cooperation is guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Funding Partner

Norad is the Norwegian agency for development cooperation. Norad is an administrative and professional body for international aid, and shall assist in realizing the goals of Norwegian development policy. Together with Norad’s partners and on behalf of Norway, Norad works for a greener future in a world without poverty. Human rights must be respected and no one left out. Through knowledge and cooperation, Norad ensures that Norwegian aid funds contribute to global development.


Norad is administratively subordinate to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). In matters concerning the climate and forest investment, Norad is subject to the Ministry of Climate and Environment (KLD). Norad’s tasks are anchored in instructions and award letters from the ministries. Norads manages grants for long-term aid in developing countries and for humanitarian aid, and provides aid and administrative advice to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Funding Partner

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is Switzerland’s international cooperation agency within the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and has supported EEP Africa since 2021. The main goal of Swiss development cooperation is to reduce poverty through supporting human and economic development, the protection of the environment and the promotion of peace and good governance. To reach a sustainable systemic change, the SDC is implementing various projects in partnership with various actors including EEP Africa.


EEP Africa is proud to collaborate with a wide range of other organizations to enhance synergies and strengthen impact. The following organizations have all partnered with EEP Africa in recent years, such as co-sponsoring an event or peer reviewing a publication.

efficiency for access

EEP Africa Team

The EEP Africa Team is headed by a fund management unit at NDF in Helsinki, Finland, and operates out of regional hubs in Nairobi, Kenya and Harare, Zimbabwe. The team is comprised of a diverse group of staff and consultants with multi-sectoral profiles and extensive regional expertise in energy access, clean energy financing, energy policy and partnerships, portfolio management, and monitoring and evaluation.

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