Promoting the EEP in the Botswana Renewable Energy Conference 11-12 August 2014
The Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) promoted the Programme and its granting possibilities for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Botswana Renewable Energy Conference that was held on the 11th and 12th of August in Gaborone, GICC. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources and it attracted around 250 conference presenters and participants, including the Honourable Minister O. K. Mokaila.
The first day of the conference offered the participants an opportunity to learn about policies related to renewable energy and benchmark from renewable energy success stories. The EEP presentation took place in the end of the day one. The second day offered government departments and the private sector an opportunity to acquire knowledge and information from global financing institutions and renewable energy experts.
We hope the EEP presentation encouraged the participants to come up with project ideas that contribute to the poverty reduction while mitigating global climate change. These projects would tackle the EEP Programme objectives through an inclusive and job-creating green economy, improved access to energy and energy security in the Southern and East Africa regions. In addition, the immediate objective of the Programme is to achieve greater access to sustainable energy services through the fast tracking of RE/EE project demonstration and deployment, including through technological learning and private sector investment.
Please contact the EEP Botswana National Coordinator for more information